
Social Media Policy

Version: 1/2023

This policy is in place to protect our company’s reputation and brand, as well as your own personal and professional reputation.

Representing Our Company: When you identify yourself as an employee of our company, whether in your profile or in your posts, it is important to remember that you are representing our brand. Please make sure your content is appropriate, respectful, and in compliance with our company’s values and policies.

Confidentiality: Do not share any confidential information about our company, customers, or other team members. This includes information about upcoming product launches, financials, or any other sensitive information that could harm our company or violate our customers’ privacy.

Respectful Communication: Do not engage in any negative or derogatory communication about our company, customers, or other team members on social media platforms. Additionally, do not make any comments that could be perceived as harassing, discriminatory, or offensive.

Personal Opinions: You are entitled to your personal opinions, but please make it clear that they are your own and do not represent the views of our company. If you are sharing content related to our industry, please make sure it is accurate and from a reputable source.

Monitoring: Our company reserves the right to monitor any social media activity related to our brand, and we may take action if we believe any policy violations have occurred.

We encourage you to use social media responsibly and to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about this policy.