
How to Send a Candidate a Rejection Email from JobAdder.

  1. Access our JobAdder account here and enter using your credentials.
  2. Click on the house icon in the left-hand side menu. 
  3. Click on the name of the job you are working on. A list of candidates will appear at the bottom of the page under the job details.
  4. Click on the Candidates tab on the list of candidates to go to the ones who have actually applied for the position.
  5. Click on the magnifying glass and plus icon beside a candidate’s name. This will open the candidate details box.
  6.  Look at any Activities, Documents, Resume and Applications that appear by clicking on the relevant item on the top menu inside the candidate details box.
  7. If the candidate is not suitable:
    1. Close the candidate’s record by clicking the X in the top right hand corner of their record.
    2. Change their application status to “Unsuccessful”.
    3. Click on their email address – a Send Email box will appear
    4. Choose the appropriate Unsuccessful template from the dropdown menu in Email Templates.
    5. Review the email, update any details that are required.
    6. Click on Send Email.
  8. If the candidate is suitable: