
Performance and Development Procedure

Version: 1/2023

Within 10 working days either side of a team member’s anniversary date their team leader must:

  1. Give them a copy of the Team Member Evaluation form pre-populated with their job competencies and Key Performance Indicators.
  2. Organise a Performance Development Meeting with them
  3. Complete the first page of the Annual Performance Review document

The meeting is not a disciplinary meeting, if there are matters of discipline they must be addressed separately using the Disciplinary Procedure.

The meeting needs to cover the following information:

  1. A review of the team member’s performance over the past twelve months
    1. This is a comparison of the team member’s evaluation and the team leaders, which will provide discussion points where the evaluations differ;
    2. A review of performance against individual KPI’s
    3. A review of how their team has performed over the past 12 months.
    4. A discussion on how the team member has worked toward their personal development goals over the period and where they currently stand.
  2. Goals are to be set for the following twelve months, in strategies to assist team achievement and also personal development of team members. Their ambitions and skill levels need to be taken into account when setting these goals.
  3. Where appropriate, a review of the team member’s salary is negotiated.
  4. Both the team leader and the team member sign and date the document.
  5. A copy is retained by each party.
  6. Each party actions their responsibilities so the team member can work toward their goals.