
Your Job Title is: Recruitment Officer
Your Team Leader is: Bree Yardley, General Manager

Your Team Consists of:
General Manager
Business Development Manager
Recruitment Officer(s)
Marketing Consultant (External)

Your direct reports are: None

A description of your job is:
To recruit the appropriate employees for our clients using the Staffr systems and processes.
To promote the Staffr brand and service to the wider business community.
To assist with administrative, sales, marketing and operational matters where necessary.
To meet and exceed core competencies and KPI’s.

Your duties will be:
• High level liaison with clients.
• Creating records and documents according to developed procedures.
• Refining and documenting recruitment procedures.
• Holding phone interviews with candidates.
• Conducting reference checks on candidates.
• Presenting candidates to clients in accord with Staffr protocols.
• Ensuring client satisfaction with process and outcomes.

• Analysing and documenting results for trends and improvements.
• Engaging in onselling process for ‘spare’ candidates.
• Assisting with marketing, administrative and operational matters where necessary.
• Maximising profitability of your role.
• Always act in accord with Staffr’s purpose and values.


Your required skills are:
• Candidate management
• Client relationships
• CRM management
• Record-keeping

• Analysis
• Operating within a high-performing team.
• Learning
• Administration

You should be:
• Enthusiastic.
• Empathetic, with life experience.
• Positive.
• Able to juggle multiple things.

• Able to perform under pressure.
• A great communicator.
• Intuitive.
• Excited to be part of a high performing team

Approved: Bree Yardley

Date: 17 March 2023 

Version: 1 2023


 Some AbilityCompetentConfidentHighly Proficient

Uses Staffr apps and programs effectively

This applies to ClickUp, JobAdder, ContentStudio, Canva as required in the team member’s position

Needs regular supervision, makes a significant number of errors, basic userOnly needs minor supervision, makes a few errors, medium userMakes very few errors, advanced userSuggests new uses for existing programs, suggests better options for use, or other apps and programs.

Understands and applies Staffr recruitment processes

This applies to recruitment processes, documents and scripts.

Frequent reference to notes and scriptsInfrequent reference to notes and scriptsCan easily use information from different notes and scripts in a conversationCan analyse processes and scripts and suggest changes to improve results.

Understands and references Staffr’s purpose and values

Since these are the things that underpin our whole existence, we need to know them.

Can remember the purpose and values.Can explain Staffr’s purpose and values in detail.Can apply the purpose and values in various scenarios.Uses references to the purpose and values in all workplace transactions.

Displays strong written communication skills

All written communications (both handwritten and online) are clear, fit for purpose and display a good grasp of grammar conventions.

Documents intended for internal use are legible and fit for purpose.All internal and external written works are legible and fit for purpose.Can write processes and procedure documents.Is confident in writing complex procedures and policies. Uses the simplest language possible.

Displays strong verbal communication skills

We deal daily with leads, clients, candidates, references and each other. All of our verbal communication

Able to convey ideas to other team members.Able to present a position and defend it with other team members.Able to speak effectively to clients and candidates as well as other staff members.Able to speak persuasively in front of a crowd or a camera

Is involved in team discussions

We promote a strong team dynamic, which involves everyone in discussion and decision making.

Is present and will comment without promptingMakes opinions known about existing ideasProduces ideasLeads team discussions

Prepares well for each call

Each call is potentially a client. So we treat them with the greatest of care.

Usually reads all notes prior to call.Reads all notes prior to callUses previous notes in next conversationUses previous notes to provoke questions/comments in the next conversation

Closes Sales

Uses effective sales techniques to close sales, such as assumptive question, sense of urgency, summarising, opportunity cost, selling ownership.

Does not yet meet KPI but makes sales.Meets required KPIExceeds KPI by 10% or moreExceeds KPI by 25% or more

Performs effective candidate process management

This is about meeting KPI’s around candidate process – such as days to contact, days to forward to client, all records kept up-to-date and correct.

Does not yet meet KPI’s, few notes are taken. Direction given in regard to what should be put into notes.Meets required KPI – takes good notes, refers to supervisor from time to time.Exceeds KPI by 10% or more, most notes are well presented and understandable.Exceeds KPI by 25% or more – All notes are well presented and understandable. All relevant data is included.

Performs effective client process management

This is about making sure the client’s records up-to-date and correct. Also about making sure a client is in the right sales category and that they are forwarded to recruitment as necessary.

Few notes are taken. Categorising of client records is supervised. Direction given regarding what to include in notes.More notes are taken of a better quality. Client records are usually categorised correctly, however the team member still refers to their supervisor from time to time.Most notes are well presented and understandable. Most client records are categorised correctly.All notes are well presented and understandable. All client records are categorised correctly.

Performs effective cold calls for secondary sales (conversions)

This is about how many prospects you can convert to leads, and leads into clients and is based on KPI’s

Does not yet meet KPI, converts prospects to leads.Meets required KPI – converts prospects to leads, has some success in converting leads to clients.Exceeds KPI by 10% or more, consistently converts leads to clients.Exceeds KPI by 25% or more Has success converting cold calls into clients.

Displays excellence in customer service

Excllence in customer service can be measured by your listening skills, confirming your understanding of your customer’s needs, thanking the customer and promoting a positive, helpful and friendly environment.

Displays some customer service skillsDisplays an acceptable level of customer service skills.Good relationships developed with clients and candidates; appropriate customer service skills usedProactive assistance given to clients and candidates; strong relationships developed with clients and candidates; appropriate customer service skills used at a high level

Shows attention to detail

Attention to detail is being able to accomplish all tasks while demonstrating a thorough concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small.

Several errors still apparentOnly minor errors in tasksMinor errors in highly detailed tasks.No errors in highly detailed tasks.

Seeks out solutions

Effective team members will eventually be able to answer most of their own questions and issues.

Asks for help and engages in discussion of problemAsks for help and proposes a solutionProposes a solution and asks for feedbackProposes multiple good solutions, provides reasoning, asks for feedback

Displays an ability to negotiate

Being able to negotiate means that you can reach consensus decisions with your team mates faster and better.

Is prepared to listen to other points of view and take them into consideration.Will discuss other points of view and concede where necessary.Negotiation skills usedHigh-level negotiation skills used in discussions with clients and other external agencies.

Engages in teamwork

Our high-perfoming team works together to come up with solutions and ideas. Active team member engagement is necessary for this to happen.

Passive participant in team activitiesActive participant in team activitiesEngages the team in casual team activitiesCreates situations for the team to engage in team activities.

Performs effective analysis of results

Analysis is necessary to meet our value of “Research, Learn, Optimise, Innovate” – effective analysis means can optimise well.

General and overall analysis skillsCan perform effective analysis on data.Can perform effective analysis on large amounts of data.Can perform effective analysis on large amounts of data with multiple variables.

Shows a willingness to continually learn

One of our core cultural values is “Lifelong Learning” – how this relates to your job is your propensity to learning new things.

Has a good understanding of their own job and how it fits into the company.Has a good understanding of their own department and how it fits into the company.Considered to be a “technical expert” in their own department, shows interest in and engages in learning in other areas of the business.Shows interest in and engages in learning in all other areas of the business apart from their own department.

Engages in innovation

Innovation means we always look for the best way to do things, that we talk about new ideas and that we test things and fail fast.

Engages in discussions.Proposes a course of action and engages in discussion, getting feedback prior to testing.Conducts experiments and produces results that benefit the individual/team/department.Conducts experiments and produces results that benefit the company/group/world.