
Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy

Version: 1/2023

The purpose of this policy is to outline Staffr’s commitment to environmental and social responsibility, and to establish guidelines for conducting business in an ethical and sustainable manner.

This policy applies to all team members, officers, directors, and agents of Staffr, as well as to any third parties acting on behalf of the company.

Environmental Responsibility

We will minimize our environmental impact by implementing sustainable practices and reducing our use of natural resources.

We will comply with all relevant environmental laws and regulations.

We will regularly monitor our environmental performance to ensure continuous improvement.

As part of this policy, we try, as much as possible, to keep the office space paper-free.

Social Responsibility

We will conduct our business in an ethical and socially responsible manner, including respecting human rights, promoting diversity and inclusion, and avoiding any form of discrimination.

We will maintain a safe and healthy workplace for our team members and provide fair and competitive compensation and benefits.

We will engage with and support the communities where we operate, including through charitable donations and volunteerism.

Supply Chain Responsibility

We will work with our suppliers to ensure that they share our commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

We will evaluate our suppliers based on their environmental and social performance and incorporate these considerations into our purchasing decisions.

We will work to eliminate any negative impacts on the environment or society caused by our supply chain.

Communication and Reporting

We will communicate our environmental and social responsibility policies and practices to our team members, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.



Monitoring and Review

Staffr will monitor and review this policy regularly to ensure that it remains up-to-date and effective in promoting environmental and social responsibility and in addressing any emerging issues.

By adopting this policy, Staffr demonstrates its commitment to conducting business in a way that is both environmentally and socially responsible and strives to make a positive impact on the communities where we operate.