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Job and Candidate Profile Preparation Procedure

Version: 1/2023

The Job and Candidate Profile details our understanding of all the information we have gathered from the client. It is the primary document that we use to inform our advertisements, and so it needs to be signed off by the client before we post any job advertising.

Preparation of the Job and Candidate Profile is as follows:

  1. Access the Personal Qualities list that the client provided and note which traits were highlighted by the client.
  2. Read through their answers to the Principal Recruitment questions to get a feel for the type of person you think they would need.
  3. Access the Big Five test at https://bigfive-test.com and complete it for the personality you understand their job will need.
  4. Access the spreadsheet Staffr/Documents/Team Documents/Recruiting/Internal Files/Big 5 Personality Traits Chart.xls, making sure you select the one that is macro-enabled.
  5. Follow the instructions on the spreadsheet.
  6. Access the Job and Candidate Profile template from Staffr/Documents/Team Documents/Recruiting/Templates for Client Documents/Job and Candidate Profile V1 Feb 2023.dot
  7. Amend the document and save it in the Client’s job folder on Staffr/Clients/[Client’s Name]/[Job Number] with the name [Job Code] – Job & Candidate Profile
  8. Make sure that you are happy with what you are providing and that it gives a true understanding of what you believe the job and candidate needs to be.
  9. Save the document also as a .PDF
  10. Email this document to the client along with the second invoice and instructions to sign and return.